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Why is School Attendance Important?

School Attendance

Good attendance at school makes a difference! There is a direct link between regular school attendance and academic performance. If you child is absent or tardy too often, it can cause him or her to fall behind in school.

There may be several reasons why your child might not want to attend school such as:

* Problems getting along with others,
* Learning difficulties-do they complain that school is too hard or they do not want to complete their homework?
* Separation anxiety issues
* Stomachaches/tiredness.

Your child will develop responsibility and good study and work habits by attending school regularly. Allowing your child to miss school for invalid reasons can establish a pattern that can be hard to break.

Blooming Prairie Public Schools has partnered with the Steele County Attorney’s Office and Steele County Human Services to ensure our school-aged children are attending school. If your child continues to have excessive absences or tardies, the student and family will be referred to the Attendance Review Board to address factors contributing to the excessive absences or tardies.

Please contact me if you have questions or concerns about your child’s attendance.



Contact: Kristin Romeo

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