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Special Education

Birth to Three Services
(provided by Zumbro Education District/ZED in our local community)

Following a referral through HELP ME GROW a comprehensive assessment is conducted, services begin when the child is identified as having a developmental delay based on testing data and information gathered by the team. Various state and family centered agencies comprise the Interagency Early Intervention Committee (IEIC). This regional committee meets on a regular basis to discuss services available for children and their families. Some of the primary referrals come from public/private health care agencies and human services, but anyone can refer a child to the schools from birth through the age of 21.

Services from Three to Five years of age
Child find services are in place and required for children from ages 3 to 5 before they enter Kindergarten. The district coordinates our child find efforts through Early Childhood screening, beside screening, referrals can also be made by parents, physicians, childcare providers, and a host of other sources. Children referred will receive a comprehensive evaluation to determine their eligibility for specialized instruction and related services. All families are encouraged to also attend the district Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offerings to enhance the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) service received through the special education department.

Kindergarten through 12th grade or to age 21
Students who, are in Kindergarten through 12th grade, and qualify for specialized instruction receive service(s) based on the need(s) identified through their assessment and Individual Education Program (IEP). Various assessment tools are used to determine eligibility for specialized instruction. The Federal and State government provides the mandates and rules that the MN Department of Education (MDE) and local districts are obligated to follow. These mandates and rules ensure students are receiving a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Following a comprehensive assessment the team develops an Individual Education Program (IEP) for the student who meets criteria under one of the following disability areas.

Speech or Language Impairment
Developmental Cognitive Disabilities
Severely Multiply Impaired
Physically Impaired
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Visually Impaired
Specific Learning Disabilities
Emotional or Behavioral Disabilities
Other Health Disability
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Traumatic Brain Injury
Developmental Delay

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