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For eLearning, have the students do a few of the options listed below for their section/class:

Kindergarten SMART Room:

  • Do 5 pencil rolls in your living room (or any open space)
    • Have your child keep their arms straight above their head and ears tucked in.  Legs should be straight and feet glued together on the inside.
  • Do 5 alligator crawls in your living room (or any open space)
    • Have your child lay on their belly and crawl across the floor using opposite legs and arms.  Have them stay low as they can (not on their elbows).
  • Do 5 balance beam walks on a straight line (could be from hardwood, line to separate rooms, etc.)
    • Their balance beam feet should be heal to toe (no space between feet) and feet should be straight on the line.

 4th-6th Grade STEM:

  • Have your child choose from one of the websites below and spend some time on them.
    • (Students work on their typing skills.) . Have them log on using their first and last name (some students may need a 1 or such after their name).  Password will be their normal school computer password.  Bpps-XXXX
    • (Students work on coding)  Have them enter the section code (4th grade: HGFSYM  5th Grade: DBJCXM  6th grade: MPKHNQ.  Have them click their name and their secret picture.  Then continue lesson.

EL (English Language Learning):
Have the choose one from each category.  In EL, students work on reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

  • Reading
    • Read out loud to your family (or stuffed animal, pet).
    • Read to yourself
  • Writing
    • Write about the book you read
    • Write a letter to Mother Nature about the snow/ice
    • Write a letter to a member of your family
  • Listening
    • Visit the website Storyline Online and watch a video.  Recall and say what happened in the story.
    • Have a family member read you a story.
  • Speaking
    • Read out loud to your family (or stuffed animal, pet).
    • Make up a story and say it out loud
    • Retell the Storyline Online story in your own words.


Contact: Lauren Nelson

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