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PSEO Equivalents

PSEO PACKET                                                                              
Updated 3/2017

PSEO Equivalency Coursework Guide
Blooming Prairie High School and Riverland Community and Technical College
Passing credit in the following courses at Riverland will satisfy required high school coursework for enrolled students of Blooming Prairie High School.  These high school requirements follow the guidelines for graduation established by the state of Minnesota and the Minnesota Department of Education and the Blooming Prairie School Board
If you intend to transfer to another college after your PSEO is completed, pay particular attention to the Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MnTC).
Be on top of your credits and required courses you need for graduation and stay in touch with both your Riverland Counselor and BPHS Counselor (507) 583-4426 ext. 428.
4 credits at college = 1 BPHS credit
3 credits at college = .75 BPHS credit
2 credits at college = .5 BPHS credit
1 credit at college = .25 BPHS credit
25 total credits needed to graduate

Blooming Prairie High School Required ClassRiverland Course Equivalent Suggestions
English 11 (1 credit)English 1101-Freshmen English (3 Cr)
Composition & Research (.5 credit)English 1105-Library Sources (3cr)
English Literature (.5 credit)Literature Course above 1000 (3cr)
Math (1 credit)Math Course above 1000 (4 cr)
Science (1 credit)Chemistry OR Physics Course with lab above 1000
(4 cr)
If Chemistry has been taken, another science course needs to be taken (4 cr)
Global Perspectives (1 credit)Humanities 1101 (3 cr) and
Sociology 2125 (3 cr)
Economics (1 credit embedded in senior social with Government and Psych)MacroEconomics 2291(3 cr) or
MicroEconomics 2292 (3 cr)
Government/Civics (1 credit embedded in senior social with Econ and Psych)Political Science American Government & Politics 1010 (3 cr)
Financial ManagementBusiness Personal Financial Management & Planning 1050 (3 cr)
Fine ArtsArt or Music above 1000 (4 cr)
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