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Local Scholarship Volunteer Organizations Information

2022 Scholarships
Blooming Prairie Ambulance Criteria:
1.  Active in school and community activities.
2.  Hand in application form, recommendations, and transcript.
3.  Essay on “How volunteering is important in your life and the importance of volunteering in the community.”

Blooming Prairie Fire Department Criteria:
1.  Plan to attend a 2 or 4 year college or university.
2.  Hand in application form, recommendations, and transcript.
3.  Essay on “Describe a person or experience that has had an influence on your life and state why.”

Blooming Prairie Teacher’s Association:
1.  Plan to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university.
2.  Hand in application form, recommendations, and transcript.
3.  Essay on “What are your life goals and how did your education in Blooming Prairie Schools help you to set and/or reach these goals?”

1.  Cumulative 3.0 GPA.
2.  Active in school and community activities.
3.  Hand in application form, recommendations, and transcript.
4.  Essay on “Describe a person or experience that has had an influence on your life and state why.”

Women of Today: 
1. Hand in application form, recommendations, and transcript.
2. Essay on “How has your volunteering influenced your life and the community.”

All applicants must:
*Fill out and type the general application form.
*Include TWO local recommendation forms.
*Include a high school transcript
*Write a one-page essay for each organizations essay topic.

If you are applying for all 65scholarships, you’ll need:
*5 copies of the application.
*5 copies of each recommendation form (so 10 total because you need two recommendations)
*5 high school transcripts.
*5 appropriate essays

It works best if the student labels the essay as to which organization’s scholarship they are applying for. Once these requirements are completed, hand them into Mrs. Worke. Deadline is April 1 of the calendar year.

Organizations are requesting the applications and attached materials not be put into folders or other protective keepers. Stapling works best.

Essay Criteria

1. One-page
2. Double-spaced
3. 12 pt Times New Roman font
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