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College Entrance Exams

College Entrance Exams

BPHS School Code 240-260

As you prepare for college, you may encounter at least one college entrance exam. The two college entrance exams that are available for you to take are:

ACT: This exam consists of four sections. English, math, reading, and science reasoning. The purpose of the test is to measure skills and knowledge developed through middle and high school.

**The ACT is the preferred test for colleges and universities in the Midwest and is accepted for admissions at almost all colleges. BPHS recommends that all students who are considering a 4-year college or university, take the ACT. Those students who are considering taking the SAT should visit with Mrs. Worke before registering.

SAT I: This test is the longer version of the PSAT, which some juniors took in October. The three hour long SAT I consists of two verbal and two mathematical parts.

SAT II: These are one-hour exams in 18 areas such as writing, mathematics, science, world languages and history. Students select the exams they take. Some colleges that require the SAT I also require the SAT II’s.

The Counseling Department recommends online registration because it is faster and you know when you register if your test site is open or closed. However, students may pick up a paper ACT or SAT application from Mrs. Worke.
On the registration websites there is also practice tests, tips and strategies for performing well on the college entrance exams. The test dates and registration deadlines are also available on the website.

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