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Hello Kindergarten Grade Families!

     In the event of an E-Learning Day for Blooming Prairie Public Schools, we ask that your child complete 1 activity from EACH area of learning on the above SCORE sheet.  For instance, any 1 idea should be completed for Reading, Writing, Math, Gym/Smart, Creative/Science.  Simply cross off the activities your child completes at home, and return the above SCORE page to school with your child’s name, adult signature and date within 2 days to receive attendance credit on our E-Learning day away from school.  

If you have any questions, please let us know.  Contact me at: 

Enjoy the snow, and please stay safe!!

Mrs. Voss 


Have a grown up read you a story and explain the character and setting of the story.

Read a story and write about your favorite part.

Find words you know in a book.

Read to self for 10 minutes. (It is okay if students cannot read, students may look at the pictures and read it that way).

Find something in your house that begins with your choice of 5 letters of the alphabet.


Create and send a card to a relative or friend

Plan a grocery trip with an adult and write three things you would need.

Write your first and last name three times with three different colors.

Draw a picture and write about it.

Write 5 words that rhyme.


Play Math Top It with a deck of cards. (Similar to the card game of War)

Write your numbers to 31

Practice counting to 100 by 1’s, 5’s, 10’s, or anyway you can think of.

Create/draw a math pattern with objects at home. (AB, ABB. ABC, etc)

Make shapes using toothpicks, popsicle sticks, marshmallows, etc.


Students practice the “alligator crawl” and “pencil roll”

Students practice jumping jacks and push ups

Students try to make a snowman or snow fort

Students help shovel driveway or sidewalk

Students pick a song and dance to it. ( or YouTube)


With an adult, help make a treat or a meal.

Build a fort with materials in your house (blankets, blocks, ect.)

Make a snowball and time how long it takes to melt inside the house. (Don’t forget to put it in a container.)

Make a creation with materials at home. (Using toothpicks, marshmallows, leggos, paper, glue, etc.)

Test 5 objects in water to see what floats and sinks.

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