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2A Classroom Handbook 2021-2022

2A Classroom Handbook 
Mrs. Pfieffer
583-6615, ext. 253

Access my website for class pictures, spelling lists, and general information. Follow these steps to access my website:

  1. Go to the BPES homepage (
  2. Click on “Elementary Home Page” (under “Our Schools” tab)
  3. Click on “Teachers’ Websites” (on left hand side)
  4. Find “Grade 2” and click on the teacher’s name.

Home Folder
Each day your child will bring home a folder.  This folder may contain any work that was completed that day as well as notes or forms that need to be viewed by parents.  Students are expected to show the contents of that folder to his/her parents and bring the folder back to school the following day.
General guideline is 10 minutes per grade level. (Second graders should have around 20-30 minutes).

  • Read EVERY night.  Record the amount of time read on the Reading Calendar. The 2nd grade goal is 20 minutes a night for 5 nights a week.
  • Study spelling words. Pretest for Spelling is on Monday.  If a student is absent for the Pretest they will be on regular spelling list for the week.  The final spelling test will be given on Friday.  A new list for the week will be sent home on Monday.  All spelling word lists are on my website if you want to study ahead of time or look at the list.
  • 2nd grade will not be sending math homework home (Math Home link) this year.

Book Orders
Book orders will be sent home periodically.  Ordering from the book orders is totally optional. Our classroom gets points towards free books for every book that is ordered.  We can also receive free stuff for our classroom or your child.  Our classroom Scholastic code is:  JZN7H use this when ordering online.

  • If you decide to send treats for your child’s birthday, please send at least 17 treats as our class size may fluctuate with our distance learners.  Just a reminder—-MN state law requires all store bought products, no home baked goods.
  • Due to COVID-19 all birthday treats should be individually wrapped and handed out by the teacher.  Please do not send extras for handing out around the school as this cannot happen at this time.
  • Summer birthdays may be celebrated as half birthdays, or at the end of the year.
  • If you choose to have a birthday party, please send all invitations through the mail.  It may cause hurt feelings when invitations are passed out in class if everyone does not receive one.


  • The first bell rings at 8:10 am and attendance is taken by 8:15 am.  If your child is tardy, please have them check-in at the office.
  • Lunch is from 11:05-11:25 am.
  • Dismissal is at 2:53 pm.

Mrs. Pfieffer’s Daily Schedule

8:10-8:20attendance lunch countattendance lunch countattendance lunch countattendance lunch countattendance lunch count
8:20-8:35Morning MeetingMorning MeetingMorning Meeting Morning MeetingMorning Meeting
8:35-9:00PE (Swenson)LibraryPE (Swenson)ComputerComputer
9:00-10:35  LiteracyLiteracyLiteracyLiteracyLiteracy
9:35-10:20Math Intervention Math Intervention Math Intervention Math Intervention Math Intervention 
Noon Duty   
Noon Duty   
LUNCH    Noon Duty (Friday)
11:25-11:40Teacher ReadsTeacher ReadsTeacher ReadsTeacher ReadsTeacher Reads
12:00-12:25PE (Swenson)MusicPE (Swenson)MusicLibrary
12:25-1:15MathMathMathMath Math
1:15-1:45 Math MathMathMathMath
small groups and centers
small groups and centers
small groups and centers
small groups and centers
small groups and centers
(book day)
ComputerLibraryComputerPE (Swenson)
(Science Writing Art Social Studies)
(Science Writing Art Social Studies)
(Science Writing Art Social Studies)
(Science Writing Art Social Studies)
(Science Writing Art Social Studies)
2:45-2:52Daily Celebrations share a positve that happened todayDaily Celebrations share a positve that happened todayDaily Celebrations share a positve that happened todayDaily Celebrations share a positve that happened todayDaily Celebrations share a positve that happened today


  • The Snack Cart will again be offered.  A healthy snack can be chosen from a cart every afternoon.  Please check with the office for pricing for the year.
  • Water bottles are required and sweatshirts are encouraged( They will be sent home periodically for sanitizing).

Donations Needed:

  • sheet protectors
  • clear contact paper (we use this for nametags on lockers, writing notebooks, and other projects).
  • post-its (all sizes).  We use these to help highlight our thinking in the books we read.
  • Gift certificates to Wal-Mart, Target, Amazon (for misc. supplies and photo processing), book stores or Scholastic book orders. 

Classroom Management/Environment
Style:          Responsive Classroom
Focus:         Building a community of learners who can work together and who all take an active role in our classroom.  A climate of warmth and safety is essential. 
Positive Behavior:
                  Classroom rules grow from the student’s hopes and dreams.  Positives are reinforced, but not constantly praised.
Negative Behavior:
If negative behavior occurs, the focus is to have a logical consequence for that behavior.  In all of these situations, the classroom teacher will talk with the child and help guide him/her to make the right choices. Parents will be notified as needed.
Some logical consequences are outlined below:

  • Take a Break/time-out 

Just like in sports, occasionally students need to take a ‘time-out’ to regain composure and gain control.  For example, if a child is disruptive to other students, they would be asked to take a break by sitting in a designated chair away from the class until they can re-join the group.  This is not viewed as a negative consequence, but as a gentle reminder of their job as a student.

  • You Break It, You Fix It.  

For example, if you break a pencil, you give them one of yours.

  • Setting More Limits

For example, if you don’t pick up after playing a game, you need to ask for permission to play the game next time.

  • Apology of Action

For example: If a child has hurt another student, he/she helps make it better by drawing a picture, playing together at recess, or sitting together at lunch.  

  • Consequences should fit the misdeed.  Students will be responsible for making the situation right.  (The teacher will guide the student to figure out how to correct the situation.)
  • We want students to feel good about doing something well, not feeling good about getting a prize, so rewards are not given for good work or good behavior.  Treats, etc. may be handed out, but in a random manner, not as a reward.



Contact: Diane Pfieffer

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