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Mrs. Oelkers

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I have been teaching at Blooming Prairie High School since 2014. I absolutely love teaching science at the high school level and currently teach 7th grade Life Science, 10th grade Biology, and Anatomy & Physiology.  

It is my role to teach my students the skills necessary to be an educated, active, and positive member of society. Students in my class work in teams daily to tackle science content.  Students will build positive relationships and learn how to study and learn according to their individual needs. Be prepared to be challenged this year. Success takes a lot of hard work and perseverance.

You can find all your resources for your class through your Schoology account. Homework, resources, and a schedule of what’s coming up is posted in your individual class.

Please feel free to come in and ask questions or see me for help before school from 7:30 AM – 8:10 AM and after school until 3:30 PM. Other times can be arranged ahead of time.

Please feel free to contact me about any questions, concerns, or comments using the following:

Contact: Sarah Oelkers

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