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Each day get 5 squares completed in a row for FITNESS BINGO!  This week for PE, you can choose this warm-up, try to get BINGO  (5 across, up and down, or diagonal). Pick a box and perform that task, move to another box and continue until you have 5 in a row.  Maybe you can get a blackout this week (all squares covered)!

Go for a 10 minute walk.

Read at least 20 pages in a book.

Cook one new healthy recipe with your family

Do 6 laps around your home.

Eat 3 cups of veggies in a day.

Try something new!


30 jumping jacks

10 push ups

20 squats

30 sit ups

Play outside for 20 minutes.

10 burpees

20 calf raises

(up on your toes) 

30 catches with a ball or item of your choice

Your choice of fitness based activity for 20 minutes


*To claim, go wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.*

Go for a 20 minute walk.

Play a game with your family. (cards, sport, board game, etc.)

45 second plank


Play outside for 20 minutes

Eat 3 cups of veggies in a day

Read at least 10 pages in a book.

10 push ups

10  sit ups

10 squats

10 burpees

Give a compliment to each person in your house.

Jog in place for 1 minute

Your choice active activity

For 10 minutes

Drink at least 5 cups of water in a day.

Help clean the germs in at least one room in your home.

Calf Raises:
Stand on a flat surface with your toes pointed straight ahead. Lift your heels off the floor to flex your calf muscle. Pause for moment, then slowly return to the floor. That’s one rep.

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