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Mr. Slack

Ryan Slack

Welcome to Mr. Slack’s webpage. I may add links to other sites here, along with course syllabi and other information.  

***eBackpack will be used far more than this site; please go there for current assignments and updates.  You may email me for a parent code that will give you access to all your student’s classes.***

I have been teaching social studies and coaching track at Blooming Prairie since 2012. I attended Mankato West High School and Winona State University.

This year I will be teaching 9th grade US History and Senior Social.  Course descriptions and my room schedule can be found on this site.  Please feel free to contact me with inquiries or concerns.

Room 207 — — 507.583.4426
Senior Social
While the primary drives of the course are Civics and Economics, Senior Social will incorporate skills and knowledge from earlier courses, especially psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Civics will be taught on several scales, from international relations and comparative politics to local elections and active citizenship. Economics topics will similarly range from economic decision-making and markets in microeconomics to national and global economies in macroeconomics. Students will be expected to show mastery of social studies skills in creative and critical thought by the end of the course.
United States History
Understanding our country’s past is necessary in order to be a part of its future. This year-long course will cover many events and themes throughout American history from the pre-Columbian period through the present day. Students will learn skills in critical historical thinking, research, argument, writing, presentation, and educational technology.
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