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Mr. Rinkenberger

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Welcome to the Blooming Prairie Agricultural Department Website!!!

Welcome to my website for the Blooming Prairie Agricultural Department.  The Blooming Prairie FFA has its own website that has a link on this page, its just under the FFA tab at the top of this page

My office hours/classroom schedule for the 2021-2022 is as follows:
General office hours: Monday through Thursday from 7:30 till 3:30; Fridays from 7:30 till 3:00
Classes that I’ll be teaching in the Fall Semester are as followed:
1st Hour – Applied Ag 9
2nd Hour – Home Mechanics
3rd Hour – Welding I/Metal Fabrications
4th Hour – Intro to Ag 8 
5th Hour –  Prep
6th Hour – Vocational Seminar
7th Hour – School-to-Work

Classes that I’ll be teaching in the Spring Semester are as followed:
1st Hour –   Welding I/Metal Fabrication
2nd Hour – Ag Science
3rd Hour – Construction Tech
4th Hour – Intro to Ag 8
5th Hour -Prep
6th Hour – Home Mechanics
7th Hour – School-to-Work

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at

Mr. Rinkenberger (Rink)
Welding is an elective class that is open for students in grades 10-12. In this class we will cover Arc, MIG, and Oxy-Acetylene welding.
Assignments Syllabus
Metal Fabrications
This is the advance welding class where students will plan, design and construct their own welding/metals projects.
Assignments Syllabus
Construction Technology
This course is a course that is currently offered during both semesters of the school year. This course is open for students in grades 10
Assignments Syllabus
Applied Ag
Applied Ag is an elective class.
Assignments Notes Flash Cards Syllabus
Intro to Ag 8
Intro to Ag 8 is a required class for all 8th graders. In this course, we cover many different subjects throughout the semester. This is also the class that gives the students to do wood work out in the shop and also the class that gets to make home-made ice cream at Christmas time and again at the end of the school year.
Assignments Notes Syllabus
Vocational Work Experience
Vocational Work Experience is an elective class. This is the in school part of the class where we go over resumes, interviews, applications and on the job issues.
Assignments Syllabus
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