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My students should complete following tasks:

Write all numbers 1-31 and Count as high as you can correctly, or have a parent or sibling write numbers 1-31 and challenge you to name them all. 

1st and 2nd:
15 minutes of working on addition and/or subtraction problems
1st grade working single digit facts such as 5+5= 10 and 10-2=8
2nd grade should include 2 digit by 2 digit. with regrouping/borrowing. 

3rd and 4th:
15 minutes of multiplication or division facts or flashcards. Students can write out problems or if they have flash cards can practice them for the 15 minutes. If writing problems should check answers using a calculator. 

5th and 6th:
15 minutes of multiplication or division practice. 5th grade should work on multiplying decimals and whole numbers. 5th grade should also, if using division, should work to write remainders as fractions. 6th graders when dividing should work to get answers with out remainders and could multiply and or divide fractions.

2nd – 6th grade will also have assignments. I can email you their username and password if they don’t know it. They can work on these on any device (smartphone, tablet or computer).

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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