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Pre K-12th Grade

Before any kind of medication (prescription or over-the -counter) can be given a physician’s signed authorization and written parental authorization must be given to the school. All medication must be in original pharmacy container. Medications should be brought in and/or picked up by a parent or other adult. Medications will be stored in a locked cabinet at each school and administered according to physician’s order by licensed school nurse or trained office staff.

The licensed school nurse will notify the parent/guardian when a refill of the medication is needed at the school. Please bring the refill to school in a timely manner so the student won’t miss any doses while at school.

Exceptions to this are: prescription medications that can be self-administered such as inhaler or epinephrine auto injectors. The school district must have a physician’s order and written parental authorization that states student can properly self administer the medication. The medication then has to be properly labeled for the student. The licensed school nurse will then assess the students ability to properly administer the medication.

For the safety of our students, it is recommended medication be given at home whenever possible. For example, medication prescribed three times a day can be given before school, after school, and at bedtime. However, the school also recognizes that certain situations may occur in which it is necessary for medications to be administered to a student during the regular school day. These medications will need a physician’s order and written parental authorization to be administered by licensed school nurse or trained office staff.

There is a link for the Medication order form. Please use as needed. All physician’s orders are good for the current school year, each school year a new signed physician form and written parental authorization is needed.


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Medication and Parent Authorization

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