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Early Childhood Screening

Early Childhood Screening
The Minnesota State Legislature requires all children to have EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING prior to Public School kindergarten entrance. The screening is done after a child is 3 years old. Please accept this invitation to arrange an appointment at our school to obtain this screening for your child.

What is Early Childhood Screening?
Screening is done to help parents become acquainted with the school and programs the school offers, to monitor for health or learning concerns, and to refer families to early interventions with any problem noted. The child’s development (motor, concepts and language, sensory (hearing and vision), growth (height and weight), and a review of family factors and resources are included in the screening. There is NO cost for the screening.

What do I bring to screening?
After an appointment is made, a packet of information is sent to the family to fill in and bring to the appointment. Immunization information is also provided by the family. A parent (or a friend or relative with parent permission) accompanies the child to the appointment and will stay with the child during the entire process. The child needs to wear TENNIS SHOES to the appointment.

How long will it take?
The screening is held in the Early Childhood Room at the ELEMENTARY School (across from the kindergarten rooms). It will take approximately ONE HOUR but may take less or more time depending on the individual needs of a child.

How do I register for an appointment?

1. By computer:
Fill out the registration form below to get on the list so your child can be screened.

2. In person or by phone:
Call the school nurse or the Early Childhood Coordinator: 507-583-6615 

You will be contacted and set-up appointments are based on date of birth, please be patient if you don’t hear back right away.

Screenings take place monthly (excluding the month of December).

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