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Welcome to the Blooming Prairie Elementary Computer Lab/STEM

Mrs. Berg teaches 1st-3rd Grade Computer classes and Ms. Nelson teaches 4th-6th Grade STEM classes

Ms. Berg

Welcome to the Computer Lab site!

I’m Ms. Berg and I have been with the district for 10 years. I work with the 1st – 3rd grade students on various computer skills. I also work in the library maintaining the collection and teaching library skills to 1st -6th grade. I feel the quote, “If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” was written for me. I truly enjoy working with the children and helping them learn.
I have two wonderful grown children and 6 amazing grandchildren! In May, our family will grow by one more!
Students today learn about more forms technology at an earlier age than ever before. One of the goals we work on in computer is to learn how to be a good digital citizen. It is never to early to introduce how to be responsible and safe when using technology on the computer and other devices.
The students learn how to research a topic with reliable sources. The information is put into a presentation form for them to share with their classmates. This could be a Power Point, a report, something they create or however they feel most comfortable sharing.
Typing is another skill they will work on throughout the year. Key recognition and function are things that can transfer to most devices. Formal typing with home row, speed, accuracy, and posture are introduced in grades 4, 5, and 6.
When they are not working on the basic things I like to do activities with the green screen, voice threads, word clouds, poetry, and I hope this year I can work in lessons on Stop Motion videos!
If you ever have questions about the lab or library, please feel free to contact me!
Ms. Berg

Ms. Nelson

Hello! My name is Lauren Nelson, this is my 8th year teaching at Blooming Prairie and I am excited to start the pilot program of STEM. I’m very excited to work with many different grades and help them learn more. It’s always a joy to work with wonderful people and students in this great community! Please reach out to me if you have any questions!

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