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Health and Wellness

RTB Flower PowerUP

Ring the Bell fitness (RTB) is coming to Blooming Prairie!  This program combines strength and cardio fitness.  Each class will be designed by coach Kari Bottin-so no two classes will be exactly the same.  Modifications can always be made for exercises you are unable to do.  This fitness community will use the high school weight room, gym, and multi-purpose room.  Email or with questions.  You can also learn more about RTB at their website;
Days:  Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Time:  5 am to 6 am
Session:  8 weeks (32 classes) 
Location:  BPHS
Instructor:  Kari Bottin
Fee:  $75.00 for the 8 week session
Current session is October 25-December 21

Yoga with Shelley
This class will help you increase flexibility and strength.  This class is appropriate for beginners as well as experienced yoga devotees.
Days:  class is on hiatus
Sessions: TBD
Location:  BPHS Media Center (library) please use door #15

Instructor:  Shelley Johnson
Fee:  $25.00-please pay IN ADVANCE to the high school office

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