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Announcements are sent out daily, via email, to all students at BPHS.

Reporting High School Student Absences

     Parents/Guardians report student absences by call 507-583-4426 or by sending an email to

Procedure for students needing to leave during the school day.

If the student is ill, they should report to the nurse’s office.
The nurse/office staff will record symptoms and contact parent/guardians as needed.

If you have been contacted directly by your student, please remind them that they need  to go to the nurse’s office so that we are aware of what is going on. We would also ask that you contact the office  to let us know what the situation is.

If your student needs to leave for any other reason please be sure to contact the High School office as soon as possible. We will then issue a pass and record the information.

Senior Boys

     When you turn 18 you MUST register with the Selective Service at during the month of you birthday



Contact: Barb Kaplan, High School Secretary

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